More than 300 languages are spoken along this NYC street

2022-04-20T15:22:11-04:00April 18th, 2022|News|

National Geographic

“Vending has always been big along Roosevelt, especially in Jackson Heights and Corona, but even more so now, because so many people have lost their income, are facing eviction, and have no safety net,” says Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez, deputy director of The Street Vendor Project."

Choose people and housing over crackdowns

2022-04-18T12:57:28-04:00April 14th, 2022|News|

NY Daily News

In 2017, organizing by NYC tenants won a groundbreaking right to counsel in eviction proceedings that has had stunning success: With tenants now entitled to representation, 84% of tenants with lawyers are able to stay in their homes. Now, in the name of returning to business as usual, this essential right is being trampled by the courts...[and] the result will be displacement and a rapid growth in homelessness.

Fenced up: Protesters rally in Chinatown as new jail construction prepares to begin

2022-04-20T15:09:04-04:00April 11th, 2022|News|


"Many people are and will be involved in the criminal legal system even as we make progress to reduce incarceration.  Building borough jails is a necessary step to protect human rights – along with accountability to make sure these jails are run differently – and we urge the mayor to move quickly on both,” Anna Pastoressa said, a member of Freedom Agenda.”

Decepción por presupuesto estatal de NY que deja por fuera iniciativas de ayuda a inmigrantes y modifica reforma de fianzas

2022-04-11T19:59:42-04:00April 8th, 2022|News|

El Diario

“Darren Mack, codirector de la organización Freedom Agenda, se refirió a los cambios en las leyes de fianzas, y aseguró que justo cuando se necesitaba que la Gobernadora y los legisladores defendieran las reformas judiciales y se restaurara la financiación de los servicios sociales, hicieron todo lo contrario.”

New MoMA PS1 Director Leans Into Social Justice and Reaches Out to Long Island City

2022-04-11T17:50:16-04:00April 8th, 2022|News|

New York Times

The show “Nuevayorkinos: Essential and Excluded,” which opened in October 2021, paid tribute to ​​immigrant cultures and labor in New York. “We got a lot of exposure thanks to the exhibit,” said Mohamed Attia, the director of the Street Vendor Project, which worked on the show and is part of the Urban Justice Center.