Our Young Professional Board

Our Young Professional Board is made up of passionate, dedicated individuals, who are committed to advocating for social justice, improving our city, and growing connections & community while they do it. They create incredible events like the Sunset Social and our annual Night Out. Keep an eye out to support our future meet-ups!

YPB Members

April Cardena (she/her), Logistics & Events Committee
Founding Partner, Premier Strategies Inc
Fun Fact: I have national titles in Tae Kwon Do.
My Why: I joined YPB because A lot of us that grow up in poor urban areas don’t “make it out”. The institutions we grow up in limit our social mobility, prevent us from obtaining social equity, and force many into welfare programs or the criminal justice system. As a person of color, I know that institutions are stigmatized and biased – I also know how hard it is to find adequate help within our communities. It is my personal mission to work with institutions such as the Urban Justice Center, to fight for individuals who have been unjustly treated by our system and to ensure that equitable resources are distributed among all our people.

Arlete Reyes (she/her), Board Coordinator
National Political Advocacy Assistant, ACLU
Fun Fact: I like to make cocktails and read for fun
My Why: I joined the Urban Justice Center’s YPB because I am committed to actively participating in the communities served by UJC. Engaging with like-minded individuals who share my values and enthusiasm for social justice is essential to me. Many of the issues addressed by UJC resonate with my passions, and I am eager to devote myself to advocating for these communities and supporting the efforts of dedicated organizers. By joining YPB, I aim to both learn from experienced organizers and experts, while also contributing my own skills and expertise to further the organization’s mission.

Austin K. Spooner, Esq. (he/him), Marketing Committee
Staff Attorney, GMHC
Fun Fact: When I was three or four years old, my mom put me in a toddler boy pageant. I won and have a red crown with fur somewhere, but the fun part is that the pageant ended after I won. So I am, forevermore, the reigning Georgia Dreamboy King.
My Why: I joined the YPB as a way to find community with those who believe in social justice work and to do my part to help raise awareness and funds for such a worthwhile organization.

AvaniAvani Tandon (she/her), Marketing Committee
Middle School House Advisor, Divisional Equity & Belonging Coordinator, The Dalton School
Fun Fact: My favorite pair of earrings have Aaron Rodgers’ face on them.
My Why: I joined the Urban Justice Center’s YBP because as an educator I believe we must model the values we wish to impart onto students. Raising awareness around social inequities is not enough; our awareness must impel action. I hope to use my privilege and platform to prioritize and amplify the voices of individuals whose rights have historically been undervalued and overlooked.

Bianca Vinoya (she/her), Co-Chair of the Young Professional Board
National Director, Reading Partners
Fun Fact: I love salty desserts!
My Why: I fully believe that systemic change comes from the grassroots. I’m excited to contribute to UJC’s mission of uplifting communities on the frontlines of justice — imagining and working towards a vision of New York City that works for all. 

Brencis Navia (he/him), Partnerships & Outreach Committee
Corporate & Capital Markets Associate, Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C.
Fun Fact: Brencis competed nationally in high school for swimming and thereafter in college.  He fortunately did not make it to the Olympics and saved himself from being embarrassed on national tv.
My Why: I joined the Young Professional’s Board to make a difference.  I was inspired by their commitment, mission, and personnel willing to give their limited free time to help drive forward change and help those who need it.

Cathleen Jeanty (she/her), Marketing Committee
Innovation Fellow, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Fun Fact: I’m a leftie!
My Why: I joined YPB to serve as an ambassador for the most vulnerable in New York City. I was really drawn to The Urban Justice Center’s mission to build a just, fair, and decent society, and I wanted to be a part of it.

Elsa Ramesh (she/her), Strategy & Fundraising Chair
Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft
Fun Fact: I recently published a Queer South Asian anthology, I Hope You’ll Still Love Me, that was featured in an international Pride campaign, compiling the stories of 20 Queer South Asians from around the world!
My Why: I joined YPB to create tangible, institutional change that empowers intersectional communities across New York City. My favorite part of YPB is growing my community of thought leaders who are passionate about co-creating and fighting for an equitable future for marginalized communities in New York City.

Georgia Hill (she/her), Co-Chair of Engagement Committee
Partner & Executive Producer, STORYMARQ Productions
Fun Fact: I grew up outside of Portland, OR, and have lived in 5 other states since 2003! (Including three cross country moves!)
My Why: I joined YPB because I want to be more instrumental in advocacy and support for those who need it most. I am drawn to the work that UJC does within communities whose voices have historically been silenced and want to use my privilege and skills to enact change. Additionally, I wanted to connect with others who are dedicated to UJC’s work and expand my professional and personal network.

Gregory J. Kirsopp (he/him), Partnerships & Outreach Committee
Chief of Staff, NYS Assembly
Fun Fact: I am actually a classically trained singer who attend performing arts high school before switching gears into politics and civics!
My Why: I joined the UJC Young Professional Board as I have always had, not just a passion for activism, but an innate desire to see a reformation within our criminal justice system that shifts the dynamic away from punishment and, instead, towards a system of true rehabilitation and restitution. Joining the Young Professional Board and working alongside the larger network of the UJC has offered me an opportunity to work with peers and communities to seek a more equitable and just society. It is an honor to be able to serve.

Guneeta Chadha (she/her), Partnerships Lead
Social Impact Project Manager, DEISR
Fun Fact: I love spicy foods! You’ll always find me with 2-3 hot sauces in my bag, ready to use at any moment.
My Why: As someone whose personally impacted by the criminal legal system, I joined YPB to help create transformational change that centers the voices and organizing efforts of historically excluded communities.

Hannah Karlin (she/her), Co-Chair of Engagement Committee 
MBA Candidate, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Fun Fact: I am one of five people in my family with the same birthday (all born different years)!
My Why: I joined UJC’s Young Professional Board because I want to create a more promising future for all New Yorkers. I was eager to be involved in an organization that allows me to put my passion for social justice into action, and enables me to collaborate with a group of well-rounded individuals who are dedicated to amplifying UJC’s mission. My favorite part of being on UJC’s YPB is learning more about how non-profits grow and playing a critical role in the organization’s continued success.

Justin Marks (he/him), Logistics & Events Committee
Fun Fact: I’m a twin!
My Why: UJC’s ability to amplify local leaders’ voices is unique and paramount. Through their incubator program, UJC directly links with activists doing the work on the ground. I’m honored to have the privilege of supporting UJC and their grassroots activism.

Kevin O’Brien (he/him), Partnerships & Outreach Committee
Vice President, Alliance Bernstein
Fun Fact: I was born and raised in Atlanta, but my mom, dad, sister and brother are all from New York. Ironically I am now the only one living here.
My Why: My family and I have always been a big supporter of UJC and I can think of no greater privilege then to work with the amazing individuals of the YPB and do what I can to grow the cause.

 Manuel Pereira-Arias (he/him), Logistics & Events Committee
Investment Analyst, World Bank Group
Fun Fact: My first job was as an actor on a Spanish film set at the age of 8. 
My Why:
I joined YPB because I wanted to advocate for a more fair and just society. As the son of a Queens-native, I have always felt a strong bond to the diverse and vibrant communities that make up New York, and through YPB I have the incredible opportunity to give back and tackle critical causes that affect the everyday lives of thousands of people across the city. 

Matthew Thornburg (he/him), Partnerships & Outreach Committee 
Associate, Schulte Roth & Zabel LLC
Fun Fact: Before starting work I through-hiked the Superior Hiking Trail, a 300 mile path along the coast of Lake Superior.
My Why: I joined YPB because I wanted to involve myself more in different communities throughout New York City and especially one that is aimed at serving New Yorkers. At the same time, I wanted to leverage my career to make a difference in ways that I would not normally have the opportunity to.

Michael Ogoszewski (he/him), Partnerships Lead
Senior Manager State & Local Tax, Ernst & Young
Fun Fact: I am a six time NYCOED Soccer champion (surpassing Brazil’s record for World Cups).
My Why:
I joined YPB to both learn about and contribute to the ways that UJC makes a difference in New York City communities. Being part of the YPB will also help me make an indirect impact on the work the UJC does in my community.

Nati Yemane (she/her), Board Coordinator
Senior Solutions Architect, MongoDB
Fun Fact: I am originally from Addis Abeba, Ethiopia; I moved to the United States at the age of 4.
My Why:
The pandemic magnified the various degrees inequality, particularly in how laws effect minorities and those in underprivileged communities. I joined YPB because of the work of UJC and its commitment to making legal representation accessible to underserved communities while fighting for social justice reform. 

Princess Sutherland (she/her), Events Lead
Senior Account Executive, LifeSci Communications
Fun Fact: I’ve traveled to 20+ countries!
My Why: I joined the young professional board at the Urban Justice Center because I want to make a difference in the lives of the young men and women in the city who have been affected by the justice system, especially underserved youth who are disproportionately affected. I felt this would be a great opportunity to take action in an area that I am passionate about and learn more about the initiatives that could result in better outcomes for all those affected within the community. 

Rohan Subramanian (he/him), Partnerships & Outreach Committee
Investment Associate, Maycomb Capital
Fun Fact: My pandemic hobby was learning to bake perfect macarons.
My Why: UJC’s ability to incubate and support critical services is incredibly unique. I’m drawn to the wide range of social justice issues it addresses, as well as its commitment to amplifying community-led initiatives. I’m eager to support — and learn from — the UJC’s work towards a more equitable NYC.

Sam Peinado (he/him), Engagement Committee
Senior Product Manager, Voltus Inc.
Fun Fact: I was a child actor and am a SAG-AFTRA union member.
My Why: I joined YPB to engage my community around poverty as an urgent crisis in NYC. My hope is to learn more about the challenges, solutions, and systems behind why this problem continues to exist in our city, one of the richest and most liberal in the world.

Sofia Rinvil (she/her), Partnerships & Outreach Committee
Trainee Lawyer (Solicitor) Legislative & Budget Director, New York City Council
Fun Fact: I am an excellent cook!
My Why: I joined YPB because I wanted to get involved in a legal services nonprofit organization behind the scenes and continue to advance their goal by serving on the board with people who are making things happen for the betterment of society.

Tess Adams (she/her), Co-Chair of the Young Professional Board
Events Sales Manager, José Andrés Group
Fun Fact: I was a child performer and grew up singing with symphony orchestras around the country.
My Why: I joined YPB in order to aid rehabilitation efforts in my home city, especially witnessing the effects on at-risk and marginalized populations following Covid-19. Additionally, I believe in the organization’s efforts to empower our communities through accessible legal resources and education. I am excited to be part of a community of young people who share a similar passion for social change and to hear directly from community leaders. 

Not on the board yourself, but want to support? Donate below to help the YPB reach their goals!


The Social Justice Accelerator awards chosen applicants the opportunity and resources to develop groundbreaking social justice initiatives.

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Check out the YPB’s 2023
Sunset Social or Night Out at the Circus